akfg1.jpg (41982 bytes)   Emerging Area of Aging Research:
  Long-lived Animals with
  "Negligible Senescence"
Research 1-8
Research 9-14
Publications on Long Lived Animals
Principal Investigators


AgelessAnimals.org is a research effort started in 1995 by Director John C. Guerin. The project's focus is understanding how long-lived animals are so successful at retarding aging, and applying this knowledge to extend the healthy lifespan of humans. These animals include rockfish, turtles and whales, all documented to live 200 years or longer without showing signs of aging.

The project's research is now uncovering the mechanisms that allow continued vitality in these long-lived animals. With that knowledge it will help us understand why humans are healthy for many years, but then start having more and more age-related problems. Because of our aging population, the research will have enormous benefits for humanity, not only in greater health and enjoyment of later years, but in controlling the escalating costs of Social Security and medical care.

Only a few projects in the world study long-lived animals. AgelessAnimals reports the latest research to both general and gerontological audiences. Current research from 14 pilot studies, located at twelve universities around the United States and two in Europe, encompass topics from Free-radical damage to DNA Micro-array gene expression.

It has operated almost entirely with volunteer effort by both the director and the research institutions involved. Although many promising pilot studies have been started, the project cannot secure more samples and expand its scope without financial support from concerned individuals like yourself.

In addition to being director of this project, John C. Guerin also holds a position as Research Associate at Kronos Longevity Research Institute (KLRI). As a non-profit organization, KLRI manages donations on behalf of AgelessAnimals and allows your donation to be tax-deductible.

Donations can be sent to:

Kronos Longevity Research Institute
Attn: Donation -
4455 East Camelback Rd, Ste B135
Phoenix, AZ 85018-2864

For more information, visit the various web pages of www.agelessanimals.org, or contact Director John C. Guerin at either jguerin@agelessanimals.org, or (503) 975-4915.

Web site create by
Johnny Adams
Phone: (949) 922-9786